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September 2020 Volume 7 Issue 3

Swallowed Faulty Partial Denture: A Case Report & Review of Literature

Dr. Shivendra Singh, Dr. Waseem Khan

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Foreign body ingestion is a common occurrence and the majority of foreign bodies that reach the gastrointestinal tract pass spontaneously, some patients require non-operative intervention or even surgery. The one-tooth or two - tooth removable partial denture provides no cross-arch stabilization and there is the chance that it may be swallowed if it becomes dislodged. Patients should be educated on the importance of adherence to instructions of mechanics of use, life span, maintenance of dentures, and maintenance recall visits to assess the retention of dentures. It is also important the incorporation of radio paque material in dental appliances, because the location of a swallowed or aspirated dental prosthesis often is accomplished radio graphically. This case report based on faulty prosthesis swallowed by patient which leads to non-surgical intervention under General Anesthesia.

Variations of Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Mental Nerve Using Cone Bean Ct-Scan, 120 Case Studies: A Research Article

Dr. Shivendra Singh, Dr. Sakshi Pandey, Dr. Waseem Khan, Dr. Anurag Vats, Dr. Himanshu Gupta

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The maxillofacial surgeon should have the precise knowledge of course of the inferior alveolar canal to overcome surgical complications outcome. Injury to the lingual nerve is more often noticed than the injury to the inferior alveolar nerve. We aimed to establish the variations of course of inferior alveolar nerve incompletely dentate patients, to identify the linear relationship of the IAC to the Buccal and Lingual cortex (BCP/LCP) of the mandible and to the peri apex of the teeth as well as to assess the presence and course of the anterior loop in the mental foramen region according to the gender and side, using Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT).Researched on 78 patients with 120 CBCT images helps in determining the variations in the course of the mandibular nerve may be important for the micro surgical and a stomosis of damaged inferior alveolar nerves that occur as a result of the increase in the number of mandibular osteotomies and other reconstructive operations..

Assessment of level of awareness among Parents about the Preventive Measures and its relationship with the Dental Health status of 6-12 years Old children- A questionnaire-based Study from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Anil Kohli , Ashish Katiyar , Karuna Panda,Rahul Katayan, Surabhi Kumari

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Background: Good oral health plays a pivotal role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of a child that eventually leads to a disease-free life. Oral diseases such as tooth caries, gingivitis, and bad breath are still major dental health-care concern, especially in children in the developing countries. Parent/caregiver plays a major role in a child’s life, so their knowledge and attitude about oral health will have a great impact on the child’s oral health. Objective: The objective of this questionnaire-based study is to evaluate oral health awareness in parents of children aged 6–12 years in Kanpur and its relationship with the dental health status of their children. Materials and Methods: One hundred and forty parents of children aged 6–12 years with no systemic condition/pathology were included in the study. They were selected from outpatients visiting the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Rama Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre, Kanpur. A comprehensive questionnaire with apparent validity was designed enclosing questions regarding views of parents for their children on oral health knowledge, caries prevention, and role of diet. Statistical Analysis: Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 20. Results: The results showed that children of parents having unsatisfactory knowledge of oral health had higher decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT/dmft) scores as compared to the children of parents having satisfactory knowledge of oral health. Conclusion: Education of parents regarding oral health is important in keeping their child’s oral health in good condition.

Correlation Assessment of Patient Satisfaction to Appointment Scheduling in a Pediatric Dental Setup

Anil Kohli , Ashish Katiyar , Karuna Sharma, Rahul Katyayan, Santwana Tripathy

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Background: Time management is planning activities and operations across the schedule to ensure an efficiency and effectiveness. A successful dental practice is dependent on good clinical skills and execution as well as a good administration. Time management while handling pediatric patients requires patience and skills, and essentially plays a key role in the successful execution of scheduled activities. Objectives: The aim of the study is to understand the parameters related to appointment scheduling that improve patient satisfaction and assess the co-relation between them. Materials and Method: A sample size of 50 patients was taken for the study. A questionnaire was prepared which consisted of 6 sets of questions with a rating scale of 1-5. The data was analyzed to assess the patient satisfaction with respect to appointment scheduling. Results: Based on the survey conducted, the existing appointment scheduling was favorable for significant range of patients, apart from a few exceptions. Conclusion: An efficient scheduling of dental practice can help the Pediatric dentist and ensures dental office team to be time efficient, systematic at work with heightened productivity. Keywords: Pediatric dentist; Appointment scheduling; Patient satisfaction; Dental setup; Time management

A Review: Obturating Material Used in Primary Teeth

Anil Kohli , Ashish Katiyar ,Karuna Panda, Rahul Katayan, Surabhi Kumari

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To maintain arch length and function in order to provide proper guidance for the eruption of permanent teeth primary teeth should be preserved until their normal exfoliation time. Pulp is soft mesenchymal connective tissue that occupy within the center of the tooth. Pulpectomy is the procedure of complete removal of the radicular pulp tissue from the root canal and filling with restorable obturating material. The rate of success in endodontic therapy depends upon many factors like their formation and resorption pattern, obturating material as well as obturation method used that is capable of densely filling the entire root canal system and providing a fluid tight seal from the apical segment of the canal in order to prevent reinjection. The caries and pulpal pathologies persist but due to dental health education it considerably lowered. It eventually leads to development of malocclusion. This review article basically focuses on various obturating materials used in deciduous teeth with their modification as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

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