A Study to assess the Knowledge and Attitude regarding Prevention of Oral Cancer among the Patient attending OPD in Rama Hospital, Mandhana, Kanpur Mr.Raghavendran, Mr. Mohd Faishal, Ms. Achsah Babu, Ms. Anuradha Sahani, Ms. Priyanka Saxena, Ms. Sharil John. ![]() WHO report states that the use of tobacco is one of the major public health disasters of the 20th century, the oral cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in developing countries and will be the main reason for the high incidence of oral cancer is the use of smokeless form of tobacco. Internationally India has one of the highest rate of oral cancer. The cancer of the mouth and pharynx are 2,88000 in India. Oral cancer has been found to be more common among men compared to women, the associated sex ratio was 2.5:1. This study shows that among 60 Patients, level of knowledge on prevention of Oral Cancers, 80% were of Moderate knowledge, 18% were of inadequate knowledge, and 02% were of adequate knowledge. The study shows that among 60 Patients, level of Attitude on prevention of Oral Cancer, 90% were having Positive attitude and 10% were having Negative attitude. The result of the study showed that there is a significant association between knowledge and demographic variable (religion) but there is no significant association between attitude and demographic variable. Although there is a positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. |
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Postoperative Exercises to Prevent Postoperative Complications among Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery at Rama Hospital, Mandhana, Kanpur, UP. Mrs.Andal, Ms. Arpita Chauhan, Ms. Anshika Sachan, Ms. Bandita Shee, Ms. Km. Neha, Ms. Rakhi Kushwaha, Mr. Shivam Sharma. ![]() The incidence of postoperative complication and death is low in the general population, but a subgroup of high risk patient can be identified amongst whom adverse postoperative outcomes occur more frequently. Major surgeries can induce functional and pain, which can also have negative implications on health care utilization and quality of life. The present study were to assess pretest knowledge regarding postoperative exercises to prevent postoperative complications among the patient undergoing abdominal surgery. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding postoperative exercise to prevent postoperative complications of abdominal surgery. To associate between the pre-test knowledge score and demographic variables among the patient undergoing abdominal surgery. In this research study, the research approach was evaluative approach; research design was one group pretest posttest design. The population was patients for undergoing abdominal surgery, selected by purpose sampling technique. The sample size was 30.The study setting was Rama hospital. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data regarding postoperative exercises. The study was statistical significant at 0.05 level. The total mean posttest knowledge score (18.5) was higher than the mean pretest score (10.6). It was also proved that there was no association found between knowledge and selected demographical variables like age, gender, education, area of living, associative illness and previous knowledge about postoperative exercises. The result of the study showed that there is significant improvement in knowledge of patients after giving the teaching. The association between the knowledge score and selected demographic variables was showing nil. |
Shaken Baby Syndrome Tushar Noel ![]() Shaken baby syndrome is highly common cause of death or severe neurological injury ensuring from child abuse. Shaken baby syndrome is a name given to a group of physical determination that are suppose to result from the forceful shaking of a child, with or without direct strike to the head. After the brain injury, shaken baby syndrome is performing a major impact to the baby. A history of injury was incomplete and still the cause of shaken baby syndrome still undiscovered. In that time, there was a insignificant attention about the child abuse. Children are mostly shaken in response to prolonged crying. In a fit of insanity the child may also be thrown down. Some people accepted that shaking is a technique for suspension the child crying. Alike individuals are most commonly male and baby sitters. Shaken baby syndrome is mainly happening as a result of deficiency of educational background. |
A Comparative Study to assess the knowledge level regarding Anorexia Nervosa among Adolescent Girls in a Selected Rural and Urban Community, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Mrs Minu S.R, Mr Arpit Kamal, Miss Lovely Gupta, Miss Pallavi Sachan, Miss Pooja, Miss Sapna Verma. ![]() Eating disorder is one of the most common psychiatric problem faced by adolescent. Adolescent period is a time of growth spurt and changes. Body image and concerns regarding that is seen more in adolescent girls. These concerns lead them to various eating disorders. A comparative study was conducted among adolescent girls in the urban area (Kalyanpur) and rural area (Shivrajpur), Uttar Pradesh. The aim of this study was to compare the knowledge level of urban and rural adolescent girls regarding anorexia nervosa. The study was conducted by using cross sectional survey research approach with comparative descriptive research design. The sample size was 60 adolescent girls, selected by convenient sampling technique. Consent was taken from the sample before data collection by structured knowledge questionnaire. The 30 adolescent girls were from rural area and the next 30 was from urban area. The results showed higher knowledge score of urban adolescent girls as compared to rural adolescent girls. There was significant association between knowledge score regarding anorexia nervosa and demographic variables like area of residence, type of family and educational status in adolescent girls of urban community .The study cleared that high scores in anorexia nervosa involved a greater chance of being diagnosed with an eating disorder in rural adolescent girls, while urban adolescent girls educational status and family has an influence in gathering knowledge regarding anorexia nervosa. |
Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding Life Style Modification For Prevention of Myocardial Infarction among Elderly Clients at Kalyanpur, Kanpur, U.P. Mr.Ravi kumar ![]() Life style practices and behaviors can have positive or negative effects on health. The life style risk factors have gained increased attention because it is known that many of the leading cause of death are related to life style patterns or habits. A pre experimental one group pre test post test design was used for this study. A Non probability purposive sampling technique was used. Sample size was 60.Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study results shows that overall mean ,SD and mean percentage of pre test knowledge score of elderly clients shows that highest mean of knowledge score was 6.71±1.62 which is 22.38% for poor knowledge and the lowest mean of knowledge score was 0.35±2.6 which is 1.16% for good knowledge However in post test knowledge score of elderly clients shows that highest mean of knowledge score was 14.48±67. which is 48.27% for good knowledge and the lowest mean score was 0.11±0.8 which is 0.38% for poor knowledge. It seems that SIM was effective. |