Effectiveness of STP on level of knowledge and attitude regarding immunization among the Mothers of under five children in selected rural area, Guntur. Mr.Phanindrareddy. Badduri View/Download | Abstract »Vaccination is probably one of the most cost effective interventions to reduce burden of childhood morbidity and mortality, provided used optimally and judiciously. Currently it is estimated that immunization saves the life of 3 million children a year but 2 million more lives could be saved by existing vaccines. In this study quantitative approach and quasi experimental one group Pre-test Posttest was used. Total 30 samples were in this study. Samples were selected through purposive sampling technique and setting was selected rural area, Guntur. Data are collected through structured questionnaire. The results shows that mean Post-test knowledge score of the mothers regarding immunization are significantly higher than their mean Pre-test knowledge scores. In order to find out the significant difference between the mean score of pre and Post-test knowledge score of the mothers regarding immunization paired„t‟ test was computed. The calculated value is higher than the table value, the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted. Hence the researcher concluded that gain in knowledge is not by chance but by STP on immunization. In order to find out the significant difference between the mean score of pre and Post-test attitude score of the mothers regarding immunization paired„t‟ test was computed. The calculated value is higher than the table value, the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted. Hence the researcher concluded that change of attitude is not by chance but by STP on immunization. |
Effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding prevention of “TORCH” infections during Pregnancy among Antenatal Mothers in a selected hospital at Kurnool. Ms.Mercy. M View/Download | Abstract »As a group, TORCH infections represent a common cause of birth defects. They can cause still births in the delivery of a dead baby. In this study evaluative approach and true experimental pre test post test was used. Total 60 samples were in these study 30 experimental and 30 control group. Samples were selected through simple random sampling technique and setting was Government hospital, Kurnool. Data are collected through structured questionnaire. The finding of the experimental group of mothers pre test knowledge score was 27 (90%) level of knowledge was inadequate. 1 (3%) level of knowledge was moderately adequate knowledge. 2(7%) level of knowledge was adequate in experimental group. Now the level of knowledge score was adequate in experimental group. Hence the evaluate the effectiveness of STP on post test knowledge in experimental group was 34.0%, pre test % was 4.8. Comparison in post test percentage of knowledge in experimental group the knowledge score was 34.17 whereas in control group the knowledge score was 3.79. The overall mean post test knowledge score of mothers in the experimental group was significantly higher than the pre test knowledge score of mothers the paired t test value was t = 25 for knowledge. The chi square shows that there was no significant association between pre test and post test knowledge score in the experimental and control group of mothers with their demographic variables. The findings of this study were the need of obstetric nurse to conduct training programme to the mothers coming to the antenatal visit to increase the knowledge of mother regarding prevention of TORCH infection. |
Effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding newborn care among Primi Mothers at Govt. Hospital, Kurnool, Andra pradesh. Mr.Satish Kumar. Passyavula View/Download | Abstract »Newborns want a special care and intensive observation and support throughout this important amount of adaptation. It is attainable to extend perinatal survival and quality of human life through prompt and adequate management of newborn. The study was conducted by using quantitative approach with quasi-experimental one group pre test-post test design at Govt Area Hospital, Kurnool, Andrapradesh. Data was collected from thirty primi mothers by victimisation purposive sampling technique. Pre test and post test knowledge score was assessed through self structured questionnaire following the structured teaching programme. The pre test, showed that, 23(77%) were had average knowledge, followed by 4(13%) were had below average knowledge and 3(10%) were had above average knowledge regarding newborn care. In post-test, 16(53%) were had average knowledge and 14(47%) had above average knowledge none of them had below average knowledge regarding newborn care. The pre check mean was 15.21 and standard deviation was 3.75. And the post check mean was 20.6 and standard deviation was 2.7. The calculated value was greater than table value. So, it is significant at p0.05level. |
A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Video Assisted Teaching On Knowledge Regarding Prevention Of Varicose Vein Among Staff Nurses In Selected Hospital, Bangalore. Mr. Deepu Sebastian, Mrs.Minu.S.R View/Download | Abstract »Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins, mostly dark blue in colour, seen near to or raised above the surface of the skin mainly seen in the lower extremities. Professions involving standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time have an increased risk of developing varicose veins The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on prevention of varicose vein among the staff nurses in selected hospital, Bangalore. A Pre experimental one group Pre-test Post-test study design and Convenient sampling technique was adopted. The sample consisted of 60 staff nurses. The tool developed and used for data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire. In pre-test, among 60 staff nurses 52 (86.7%) had inadequate knowledge, 8 (13.3%) had moderate knowledge and no staff nurses had adequate knowledge regarding on prevention of varicose vein. In Post-test 49 (81.7%) of staff nurses exhibited adequate knowledge and 11 (18.3%) exhibited moderate knowledge and no staff nurses had inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of varicose vein. The mean Post-test knowledge score [36.07± 5] was greater than mean Pre-test knowledge score [17.89 ± 6.36]. As the obtained value of ‘t’ is more than table value at p< 0.05 level, the value is found statistically significant. Hence the study concluded that Video Assisted Teaching on prevention of varicose vein is highly effective and the knowledge regarding prevention of varicose vein was associated with the exposure to educational program related to varicose vein with χ2 =3.85which is significant at p< 0.05 level .Also years of experience had some association with χ 2 =7.85(significant at p< 0.05 level) with the knowledge scores. |
National Health Policy 2017 Ms.Pratibha Srivastava View/Download | Abstract »The current health status of India has been changed in four major areas i.e. Maternal and child mortality have rapidly declined and growing burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, second important change is the emergence of a robust health system, third change is the increase catastrophic expenditure due to burden of health related issues, fourth, a rising economic growth, Therefore, a new health policy formed to deal with these changes. The National Health Policy, 2017 helps to move towards wellness in a comprehensive and integrated way. This policy focus on achievement of the highest possible level of health and well-being through a preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative approaches a comprehensive manner without financial hardship. |