Corona virus- A Narrative Review Dr. Prof. Sudharani B Banappagoudar ![]() < Many people never heard of corona virus before .But they’re human and animal pathogens. Corona viruses are a family of viruses known for holding strains that cause potentially deadly diseases in mammals and birds. In humans they're typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals. A corona virus was first isolated in 1937 from an infectious bronchitis virus in birds that has the flexibleness to noticeably devastate poultry stocks. Human corona viruses (HCoV) were first identified within the 1960s within the noses of patients with the common cold. Two human corona viruses are responsible for an oversized proportion of common colds OC43 and229E Key Words: Corona virus, Pandemic, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Conclusion: The study concluded that the PTP on Menstrual Hygiene was an effective method for providing moderate to adequate knowledge and help adolescent girls to adapt health life styles and to enable them to live a better quality of life by save guarding against the effects of poor Menstrual Hygiene |
A study to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude among the Adolescent girl regarding Breast Self Examination in selected college of Pune city. Dr. Rahul B. Pandit, Ms. Puja Tayade, Ms. Supriya Tekale, Ms. Kishori Sul, Mr. Ashvin valve, Mr. Mohit Taware, Ms. Komal Tulaskar ![]()
Introduction: Breast self Examination (BSE) is a screening strategy used trying to identify early breast malignancy. The strategy includes the women herself feeling each breast for potential lumps, distortions or swelling was once promoted heavily as a means of finding cancer at a more curable stage, however some studies found that it was not effective preventing death, and actually caused harm through needless biopsies and surgery. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme (STP) on knowledge and attitude among adolescent girls regarding breast self examination in selected colleges of Pune district. Methods: The quantitative research approach was used for present study. One group Pre-test post-test design was used to assess the effectiveness of the STP on Breast self examination. The study was conducted in selected colleges of Pune city. The sample composed of 60 adolescent girls studying in selected colleges of pune city. The non probability convenience sampling method was used to collect data. A structured questionnaire and Attitude scale on breast self examination was used for data collection. Permission was granted by concerned authority for data collection. The data collected was analyzed in terms of frequency, percentages, paired‘t’ test and presented in the form of table and graph. Results: Majority 80% of the adolescent girls belongs to 16 – 20 years, highest percentage 88.33 % of samples belongs to Hindus and 91.67% of samples were living in urban region. 48.33 % of samples have previous knowledge. 48.33 % of samples were gain knowledge from mother. In pre test 63.33% of sample had average knowledge and 21.67% had good knowledge, where as in post test all the subjects had good knowledge scores. In pre-test 66.67% had average attitude and 21.66% had poor attitude towards BSE, where as in post test all the subjects had good attitude towards BSE. The pre test the mean of the knowledge score in BSE obtained by the sample was 9.25. In the post test it rises to 18.34. The pre test the mean of the attitude score in BSE obtained by the sample was 22.25. In the post test it rises to 45.35. The knowledge and attitude score of the sample in BSE shows marked improvement after giving Structured Teaching. Conclusion: The present study reveals that STP is the one of the effective teaching method in increasing the knowledge and Attitude of the adolescent girls on Breast Self Examination. Keywords: BSE, Breast Self Examination, Knowledge, Attitude, STP, Structured Teaching Programme, Adolescent girls. |
“A Comparative Study to assess the Anxiety level during growth and development among Teenage Girls (13-19yrs) of working Mothers and non- working Mothers in Govt. Schools of Kareli (M.P). Ram Prasad Kushwaha ![]() Teenager is a developmental period during which dependent children grow into independent adults. This period usually begins at about age 10 years and lasts until the late teens or early 20s. During teenager, children undergo striking physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. In early teenager, children begin to develop the capacity for abstract, logical thought. During teenager, the regions of the brain that control emotions develop and mature. Teenagers gradually learn to suppress inappropriate thoughts and actions and replace them with goal- oriented behaviour. Teenager is a period when physical growth and maturation are accompanied by mental and psychological development. Pubertal timing are associated with different symptoms than pubertal status or age. Puberty seems to affect girls more negatively than boys. Stage of pubertal development rather than chronological age has been reported as a risk factor for eating disorders, depression and anxiety. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was used to assess the anxiety. The research design selected was comparative design, Non-randomized convenient sampling technique was used and sample size is 100.The study was conducted in Govt. schools of Kareli. Spence Children’s Anxiety scale used as tool for data collection. Reliability is 0.68.The collected data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Homemaker Mothers Teenage: There is significant association between anxiety among teenage of homemaker mothers with Father education (X26 = 16.80), and Mother education (X26 =20.63) as the calculated value > Tabulated value (12.59) at P <0.05% and there is no significance association between other demographic variables with age, gender, religion, no .of siblings, education, father’s occupation as the tabulated value is greater than calculated value at the significance level of 0.05.There is significant association between anxiety among teenage of employed mothers with Mother education as the calculated value (X24 =10.28) > Tabulated value (9.49) at P <0.05%. The study concludes that there is a significant difference in anxiety among teenage of homemaker mothers and employed mother. Keywords: Anxiety, Generalized anxiety disorder, working mothers, Teenager girl, Growth. |
Whatsapp Use among Adolescents in Pandemic Era-Covid-19: Whatsapp as a Supportive Technology in Education? Ansiem George ![]() Social networking has amplified in this pandemic period as the youngsters are forced to immerse in social networking. In this crisis situation, adolescents get in touch with others mainly through social networking. Whatsapp is an up-to-the-minute application that is far and wide used as a medium of interaction. The main purpose is for communication, interaction and learning. Increased and extensive use of Whatsapp will lead to addiction. Various psychiatric co morbidities are associated with addictive behaviour. The present study focused on Whatsapp use in middle adolescent students. AIM: The main aim of the study is to elicit out the constructive and destructive usage of social networking and there by evaluate the chances of addictive tendency in the teenagers. The participants were 500 middle adolescent students. WhatsApp use behaviour scale was used as tool. RESULTS: The study finding showed that the preferred social networking site among the adolescents is WhatsApp (73%) and the main purpose of using Whatsapp was for chatting (50%). Keywords: WhatsApp, WhatsApp use behaviour, social media addiction, social networking, adolescents, students. |
Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Pratibha Srivastava ![]() |